Intelligent Deployment Risk Analysis
Empowering engineering teams with data-driven insights for safer, smarter software releases.
Monopolis builds a model of all of your deliverable components (monodes) and environments based on a simple configuration file.
Confidently roll out components by integrating machine learning risk scores for each deployment. Monopolis analyses factors like code batch size, deployment timing, and environment health to provide real-time risk assessments.
It is crucial for engineering teams to know exactly what code is in what environment.
Monopolis tracks industry-recognized DORA metrics to monitor deployments and delivery pipelines. Teams using Monopolis gain full visibility into current and past deployments, along with insights into the impact of deployed software.
Monopolis supercharges the deployment model already existing in your VCS provider
Monopolis offers comprehensive tracking and visualization for all your CI/CD pipelines in a monorepo setup, giving teams instant visibility into the status of their work.
No-one wants to throw away a familiar toolset just because you try something new. Monopolis sticks to what it does best and leaves the rest to the tools you already know and trust.