Smart Code, Smarter Releases

Intelligent Deployment Risk Analysis
Empowering engineering teams with data-driven insights for safer, smarter software releases.

Monopolis delivers value for..

Supercharge Your Existing CI/CD with Intelligent Deployment Insights.

  • AI-powered risk assessment for safer, more intelligent deployments
  • Comprehensive visualisation of build and deployment pipelines across your organisation
  • Centralised analysis of signals from various tools, offering actionable insights
  • Advanced tracking of DORA metrics and build statistics for continuous improvement

Elevate Your Organisation's Software Delivery with Data-Driven Intelligence

  • Enhanced visibility into software assets and their interdependencies across you entire organisation
  • Improved decision-making through comprehensive risk analysis and deployment intelligence
  • Streamlined compliance and auditing with detailed deployment history and environmental state tracking
  • Accelerated time-to-market by optimising deployment processes and reducing deployment-related incidents

Comprehend Your Estate

Monopolis builds a model of all of your deliverable components (monodes) and environments based on a simple configuration file.

  • Graphically document cross-component relationships and dependencies
  • Define component archetypes and automatically apply shared behaviours to each type.
  • Generate and update CI/CD pipeline configurations to only trigger when relevant code changes.

Intelligent Gating With Risk-Aware Rollouts

Confidently roll out components by integrating machine learning risk scores for each deployment. Monopolis analyses factors like code batch size, deployment timing, and environment health to provide real-time risk assessments.

  • Configure components and environments for cross-component compatibility checks
  • Monopolis generates simple plug-in hooks for running tests, automatically injecting component versions
  • Contract tests run as part of the deployment pipeline, with the versions of the components to cross-check automatically injected
  • Manual deployments display the machine learning risk score, enabling informed decisions before proceeding

Environment Tracking

It is crucial for engineering teams to know exactly what code is in what environment.

  • Configure environmental setup from a single place
  • Visualise of what code is in what environment and when it was deployed
  • Control which environments can be deployed to from where, and by whom
  • Utilise deployed versions to coordinate cross-component testing

Automated Team Metrics

Monopolis tracks industry-recognized DORA metrics to monitor deployments and delivery pipelines. Teams using Monopolis gain full visibility into current and past deployments, along with insights into the impact of deployed software.

  • Change Lead Time: Quickly identify any bottlenecks
  • Deployment Frequency: Keep track of deployments and deploy frequently to reduce the size of your change set
  • Change Failure Rate: Stay on top of deployment failures

Better Manage Deployments And Rollbacks

Monopolis supercharges the deployment model already existing in your VCS provider

  • Deployment risk scores are displayed to provide insights and minimize potential risks before proceeding with a rollout
  • Configure automated deployments to reduce code-to-deployment time
  • Set environments to auto-rollback when a failed deployment is encountered
  • Manual deployment and rollback controls are built into the Monopolis UI
  • View deployment history across environments
  • Secure your deployments with auditing and Two-Factor Authentication

Monorepo Support

Monopolis offers comprehensive tracking and visualization for all your CI/CD pipelines in a monorepo setup, giving teams instant visibility into the status of their work.

  • Job and stage progress view of pipelines based on pipeline, component, commit, or deployment environment
  • Create custom dashboards for monitoring builds within a monorepo
  • Automatically generate pipeline performance statistics for the entire monorepo
  • Control pipeline actions directly from the dashboard, streamlining your workflow in a single interface

Build On Top Of Your Existing Tools

No-one wants to throw away a familiar toolset just because you try something new. Monopolis sticks to what it does best and leaves the rest to the tools you already know and trust.

  • Built to entirely integrate with GitHub and GitLab
  • Slack integration provides live pipeline updates and chat-ops capabilities for your team
  • Browser-extensions provide crucial integration and notification hooks between your other SaaS tools and Monopolis

AI-Powered Delivery Intelligence For Your Software Ecosystem

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We're working hard on getting Monopolis ready for you. If you'd like us to let you know when we start to roll out to the world, simply sign-up below.